Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Role Models

So... New development.
Madrid Fashion Week has decided that this year they will not be allowing any models with a BMI lower than 18 to participate in the show(between 18.5 and 25 is considered the normal range). While this is not a premier fashion show- hey, its a start! Every year they were facing protests from doctors and women's rights groups and this year they decided to ban underage and underweight models. Go Spain!!

About 30% of the models have flunked the BMI test. I am glad we are beginning to pay some attention to the role models put out there for younger women. Male models don't look half as unhealthy as some of the thinnest female models. I am not recommending or even condoning male modelling- just saying body image issues-wise, they are nowhere near as unhealthy.

We need healthier role-MODELS.

[Color pic from BBC news site and B&W pic from a French website on Anorexia and Kate Moss/Amber Valleta as far as I can tell. Thanks guys.]

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